Welcome to our website looking back over the last 85 years of education at Altrincham Preparatory School.
The school first started in 1936, and the founders, my grandfather amongst them, sought to create a bedrock for primary education in Bowdon, Altrincham and Hale. As some of you may know, the original lessons took place in a single room of the scouts' hut at the Grammar School. The hut is still there (it’s the low green building ornamented with totem poles next to the astroturf at the back of AGSB), and it is such a small room in comparison to our present day estate that it is quite a struggle to imagine a school contained within.
However, that was the origin of APS, and over the years we have grown to be the pillar of excellence that carries the magnificent reputation enjoyed today.
I am very proud of our history. Not simply because of strong family links back to 1936 but because of the vision that our founders had for the school. I believe that the APS values held high by them are still maintained to this day. Most of all, I am proud of the sense of belonging, that natural inner confidence of being an “APS Boy” that still shines through and is so evident today within the pupils of our school.
It would be wrong not to pause and reflect on the people who have made this possible over 85 years. To all our staff, parents and boys both past and present I extend my heart- felt gratitude. Through the decades you have helped to build our school, to preserve the founders’ values and to ensure safe passage for thousands upon thousands of boys who are now living their lives all over the world.
Wherever you are reading this, whether you have a present day link to the school, or whether you are an old boy of decades ago, you should know that you will always be welcome back within our community to share stories, catch up on the progress of the school and to renew your sense of belonging to APS.
Please take a moment to step back through our history and enjoy some of the memories from previous decades. If you have any pictures or memories you would like to share, I would be delighted to hear from you.
With warm regards,
Andrew Hill
ChairmanAltrincham Preparatory School